This is how the creek path looked back in 2002. The waterway widens to the east upstream (on the right side in the photo). Monte Verde Park (not in this pic) is located up and to the left north across the creek.

After 5 years a pond is starting to form a little futher down.

The pond area is wide now and provides lots of space for water to sink into the soil & recharge groundwater for future drought years. Plants, algae, and bacteria help remove excess nutrients and filter the water.

The creek retains its wide pond at the east. Areas where the water movement slows & deepens allow for sediment to settle to the bottom where pollutants like heavy metals can be removed from the water.

In this photo it is more difficult to discern the water's edge from the vegetation along the bank due to the floating mosquito fern (Azolla sp.) that covers the surface of the water. There is still a wide pond area on the right side of the image to the east upstream.

The winter rains of February have washed out areas of the beaver dam causing the previous pond area on the right side of the image to return to a meandering narrow path to the east of the breach.

Spring vegetation fills in the previously bare areas of the exposed new banks along the meandering creek pathway. The substrate in this location is more sandy than in other areas.

The creek pathway doesn't deviate too much from previous years - water levels and beaver dams have not been successful at recreating the wide pond area that existed in the past.

Bends in the creek path add to the resistance of the water flow helping to slow its movement & reduce erosion & bottom scouring during times of increased water input. Banks are stabilized by plants and tree roots.

The creek pathway is starting to widen a bit. possibly due to beaver activity further to the west (left in the photo) of the location where the previous wide pond area once existed.

Some more changes in the creek pathway taking place over time but no wide pond return yet.

A new wide pond is starting to develop. Beaver dams are retaining a little more water to the east (right side of photo). Water retained behind dam areas helps filter pollutants that enter the creek. The wide pond area helps keep vegetation green and fireproofs the area.