Follow the Facebook Page to learn more about beavers in Rocklin & other nearby regions in Placer County. Featuring news from neighbors about local beaver families like the group in the creek beside Monte Verde Park in Rocklin CA. (
Why Does Placer County Need Better Beaver Management?
Placer has a history of solving beaver/human conflict issues primarily by obtaining depredation permits through the CA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW) to trap & kill beavers. Since new beavers will move into the vacant habitat, this scenario has a tendency to be repeated. If you look for examples in Placer where land managers have made efforts to coexist with beaver, they are difficult if not impossible to find (if the reader comes across any of these please contact this website so such cases can be noted). In other areas in CA methods to coexist with beaver have been successful & have brought benefits to the area. Coexistence is likely the more practical choice long term.

The CDFW encourages coexisting with beavers. As of this date it is illegal to relocate beaver in CA (but this may change as our state & the CDFW is slowly recognizing the benefits that beaver bring when we allow them to remain in the habitat).